京都大学 学術研究展開センター Kyoto University Research Administration



KURA Drop-in Consultation Hours


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) announced the results of KAKENHI grant(FY 2017). If successful, the adoption needs to be confirmed by online submission of disbursement request. KURA will support the next step for successful applicants to request for grant disbursement using e-Rad (KAKENHI online application system). Drop in at KURA office with your laptop, and URAs will help you submit the request online.


Anytime between 9:00 AM to 17:00PM, Wednesday 5th, Thursday 6th and Friday 7th April 2017


3rd Floor, KURA Office (No. 61 in the map)


Please bring your laptop computer and keep your e-Rad ID and password ready with you. We do not have public wireless network at KURA office so we recommend you to make your laptop connected to KUINS-Air if possible.


Kyoto University Research Administration Office (KURA)
Tel: 16-5164 (Ext.) or 075-753-5164 (Izumi Yoshioka, Sasaki and Osawa)
Email: kakenhi-kura@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp