Kyoto University Research Administration


Academic Support

【間:AI DA 】 DAAD-Kyoto University Partnership Programme

“AI DA (Ambitious Intelligence ・ Dynamic  Acceleration)” is a generic name of the programs to promote internationalization of research developed and managed by KURA in collaboration with international funding agencies etc., in which we aim to accelerate career development of ambitious early career researchers (ECRs). Currently a partnership programme is operated jointly with DAAD in Germany. AIDA team also collaborates with partner institutions; foundations, cultural and industrial organizations and provides useful information and opportunities for ECRs.

Move to 【間:AI DA】Program website

[間:AI DA] REVIEW 2021 -Activity Report-

○ DAAD-Kyoto University Partnership Programme towards SDGs   

The “DAAD-Kyoto University Partnership Programme” aims to foster academic exchange and co-operation between institutions of higher education and research institutions in Germany and Kyoto University in order to promote joint research projects and scientific collaboration in any field connected to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through funding to increase the mobility of junior scholars and Early Career Researcher (ECR). The objective is to strengthen or initiate long-term bilateral or multilateral collaborative research and partnerships among German universities / research institutions and Kyoto University.

The DAAD and Kyoto University have agreed to extend MoU on the 2nd stage, and to invest an annual budget each for approximately two new projects from each side

*The application process for program 2025 has begun. (June 12, 2024)

– Submission Deadline: September 10, 2024
For further detail, please read the Guideline of call for application to start in 2025.

Know more about past project

List of past projects and researchers

Researcher’s report


Kyoto University Research Administration Center【間:AI DA】Team
Tel: 075-753-5179 
E-mail: aida (at)   *Please replace at with @.